Accommodation for IPD patients and Attendants
Care hospital Bathinda is bracing-up for a 50 bedded full-fledged G.I. super specialty hospital by 2022. Accordingly, we have set up the adequate infrastructure to make that a reality within the set timeline. Our mission & Vission is to make this Hospital a Center-of-Excellence with premier IPD accommodation facilities for patients of Gastroenterology
Currently, we have provisions of 40 IPD patients at a given time, whom we tender in our general wards, ICU, and modern private rooms equipped with all modern facilities required for a comfortable patient and visitor stay.
Our accommodation facilities are air-conditioned, hygienic, and equipped with all required monitoring medical equipment required in a modern gastro care hospital. All patient and attendant spaces have been designed, keeping the comfort, movement, and safety of all patients in mind.
The entire Care hospital premises is a fully air-conditioned medical facility.
The Accommodation at the Care Hospital Bathinda include:
Clean Hygienic food is at the heart of any health service dispensation. Modern-day Hospital systems require an efficient, In-house, and nutrition-specific food services center: And that is what we at Care hospital Bathinda are doing.
A professional & qualified food manager ensures that all Food and nutrition-specific menus are delivered to each patient at Care hospital Bathinda.
Right from the registration of an IPD patient at Care Hospital Bathinda, a combined assessment is carried out by our resident doctors and Dietician to devise food menus for every individual patient. The plan takes into ambit all medical conditions and associated food and Nutrition requirement of every patient.
The patient attendants, Visitors, and OPD patients also enjoy our Hygienic canteen facilities offered at the lowest possible costs For critically ill patients, all required food safety protocols are strictly adhered to while devising their food and nutrition Charts. This takes into account any specific food allergy, Timings, or requirements for a therapeutic diet, physical difficulties with eating, and drinking.
Our award-winning Dt Gurjeet Kaur plans each diet and supervises the canteen services as per the set standards of a quality health care unit. Our Dietician also undertakes a frequent patient's health review with the consultation of Dr. Gursewak Singh – DM Gastroenterology In all food and Nutrition requirements, Care Hospital Bathinda ensures that each patient's nutritional needs are well identified, fulfilled, and served with timely meals, dietary assistance, and medical advice.
Laundry service at Care Hospital Bathinda is responsible for providing an adequate, clean, germ-free, and timely supply of linen to the entire hospital staff,patients, and their attendants in the wards, ICU's & private rooms.
Our laundry department is entrusted with the daily sorting, washing, ironing, sterilizations, and timely Changing of Linen at every facility of the hospital.
We have a reliable laundry service that ensures that our surgical units, Labs, Wards, and OPD's rooms are sanitized and provided with desired supplies of laundry at the right times.

An adequate stock and Supply inventory of clean linen is maintained at all times at Care Hospital Bathinda under the supervision of a laundry manager for the comfort and medical safety of the patient and their attendants. When an IPD or OPD patient walks into our hospital premises, the last thing they want to do is lay down in a bed with dirty linens or change into a gown that has stain or smell. So we take care of the availability of clean linen and patients' gowns. Such vital housekeeping ensures that a patient feels more comfortable and at ease during the course of his /her treatment at this GI super specialty hospital popularly known as Care Hospital Bathinda
To meet all pharmaceutical and peculiar drug prescription requirements pertaining especially to gastroenterological disorders, we have in-house Pharmacy at Care Hospital Bathinda. This is around the clock pharmacy stocked with niche medicinal & surgical supplies, tendered by three staffers trained in Pharmacy management A competent staff maintains this registered pharmacy. Care hospital has made its trust value by creating a transparent system. We purchase medicines from registered stockiest only, which ensures the original products. A computerized billing system backs all transactions.

The availability of an in-house pharmacy provides ease to patients, and a quick plan of treatment is followed with the in-house availability of drugs and injections. All drugs are sold as per the guidelines of the Drug inspector. We have customized pharmacy software that ensures a seamless, fast, and transparent management of medicine and desk transactions.
Transport & On-Call Ambulance.
Given the central location of the Care hospital in the city of Bathinda, a large patient base living in the adjoining and catchment semi-rural areas and villages, Patients occasionally may need to travel considerable distances to reach to a GI super specialty hospital – Care Hospital Bathinda.
In this backdrop, commuting and transporting sick patients may be a hazard. Hence considering the need of a patient, we have a tie-up with Ambulance providers of the region, who help ferry, such long-distance patients, via a to and fro affordable transportation in the form of ambulatory services. For the Bathinda city,emergency patients during odd hours required means to reach the hospital is managed by calling at 0164 - 22410 45.